Ear wax removal

It was in the news recently that a goat born in Pakistan had 48cm (19 inch) ears!

Simba the Nubian goat is a world record holder, and something of a celebrity in the village.

This got us thinking, what other records to do with ears have there been?

Ear wax 

Discretion Hearing offer a Microsuction Ear Wax removal service which can be carried out in your home or in our central Southport clinic, however I don’t think we’ve ever removed a piece close to the size of the “world’s longest chunk of earwax” which was 2.5cm in length. When you consider the ear canal is on average 2.5cm long, that’s quite the build up.

Don’t let your earwax build up to that level, contact us now for ear wax removal.

Largest “human image” 

The Largest human image of an ear was made by Raindropss and Sathyabama University in India when 1215 people wore black and white clothes to create an image of an ear. 

We wonder how big our otoscope would have to be to carry out a hearing exam on an ear that big?

Ear Trumpets

The largest collection of ear trumpets belongs to Myk Briggs in Pant, UK. Myk has an amazing collection of 359 and is extremely knowledgeable on the subject. 

Ear trumpets are fascinating, and show you just how far hearing aid technology has come. 

We offer a vast range of hearing aids, some of which are practically invisible.

Find out more here 

Ear workouts

There are a few feats of human strength in the Guiness Book of Records, some of which are ear based, such as:

Johnny Strange, a UK based sideshow/variety performer, holds a number of ear-based records. He lifted the heaviest weight with pierced ears of 21.63kg.

He also put the piercings to work again and pulled the heaviest weight, a Cessna 172P aircraft weighing 6.73kg 6.22m.

We don’t recommend you try breaking any records with your ears, but we do recommend you have regular hearing tests. 

Our hearing tests can be carried out in our central Southport clinic or in your own home. 

Find out more, or book your test here

What’s the Frequency, Kenneth?

The Concave-eared Torrent frog of Eastern China has an ultrasonic croak at a frequency of a record breaking 128kHz

This is well beyond the human hearing range, which is 20Hz to 20kHz and the frog uses this high frequency in order to be heard over the low frequency roar of the waterfalls it lives near. 

In order to ensure you are hearing the full range of frequencies, Discretion Hearing recommends you should get a hearing test regularly.

All Ears

And to finish, the Ear itself holds records.

The smallest joint in the body is between the stapes (stirrup) and incus (anvil) bone in the ear, which isn’t too surprising as the stapes is the smallest bone. 

We hope you’ve enjoyed finding out these Ear bending records.

If you would like to book a hearing exam, ear wax removal or discuss any of questions about your hearing health, get in touch with Discretion Hearing

Telephone – 01704 505283 or email – sharon@discretionhearing.com 

Discretion Hearing Ltd: 18 Wesley Street, Southport, PR8 1BN