Discretion Hearing Ltd understands that it often takes people many years to seek help with their hearing problems, often due to the stigma of having a hearing aid which they still remember as being big brown boxes that whistled every now and again.
With more than 12 million people affected by hearing loss in the U.K., Discretion Hearing Ltd think it’s about time we dispel that myth.
Rapid advancements
It’s genuinely an exciting period for technological advances in hearing aids. The emergence of new technologies means that we now have smaller, more effective hearing aids with fantastic features such as bluetooth. Gone are the days of the ear trumpet, now we have devices that are practically invisible and can beam the sound from your television straight into your ears, letting you control the volume without affecting anyone else watching.
The ever improving battery technology means that many aids now have built in rechargeable units with up to 30hrs use on a single 3 hour charge and smart charging cases so you don’t have to worry about carrying replacement batteries.
Catching up with Apple
Hearing aid developments used to be somewhat overlooked in the technological sector, with hearing aid wearers having to make do with very few options. Today the advancement in hearing aid technology is picking up pace, with manufacturers updating their range every couple of years with smaller enhancements in between, similar to Apple releasing their flagship phone models.
These advancements are not only great for the hearing aid user, but they also allow our audiologist at Discretion Hearing Ltd to offer a more specific solution to your hearing needs.
Being 100% independent means Discretion Hearing Ltd have all of the latest advancements in hearing aid technology and accessories available to offer you. We work with all of the major manufacturers, allowing us to offer the latest in specification and design to best suit your individual requirements.
100% independent,100% more choice
This may be something like the Phonak Paradise, with its connectivity to smartphones, TV and smart apps this hearing aid includes new exciting features like speech enhancement, dynamic noise cancellation and motion sensor hearing. Or perhaps the Signia Syletto AX, award winning design with outstanding battery life of up to 17 hours per charge and charging direct from the stylish carry case meaning you can go on a weekend break without having to worry.
If you would prefer an in ear design, we can see if these would be suitable for you and if so can offer products like the Resound range of Invisible-in-Canal’ or ‘IIC’ devices or Widex In-the-ear (ITE) hearing aids. We can choose which manufacturer/ style and level of technology would suit you best.
These are just a few examples of the fantastic advancements in hearing aid technology available to you through Discretion Hearing Ltd and as we work with Phonak, Signia, Oticon, Resound, Bernafon, Starkey, Widex and all of the manufacturers of hearing products, you can be sure we will find you the perfect solution to improve your hearing health.
Get in touch with Discretion hearing today to see how some of these emerging technologies could help you and your family with hearing loss. We’ll perform a full hearing assessment before discussing your options with you and letting you discover how these products could improve your day to day life.
At our Southport clinic we have a state of the art demonstration area where you can sit on a comfy couch and see the difference these products could make to you and your family.
If you’d like to book a free hearing test, or you would like further information, or to discuss your concerns, call us on 01704 505283, or email discretionhearing@gmail.com.
We are here to help you hear.