Explore our Main Services
Ear Wax Removal/Suction
Discretion Hearing Ltd Southport provides an ear wax removal service which you can choose to be can be carried out in our central Southport clinic or in the comfort of your own home using Microsuction.
Hearing Tests
At Discretion Hearing Ltd Southport we offer a completely free hearing test service which can be carried out at our state of the art clinic in the centre of Southport or in the comfort of your own home.
Hearing Aids
Discretion Hearing Ltd Southport are 100% independent audiologists, this means we can offer the widest range of hearing aids and accessories from all of the major manufacturers.
See Our Latest Blog
- Sarah Jackson
How Are AI Hearing Aids Shaping the Future?
How Are AI Hearing Aids Shaping the Future? Finding a provider that suits your complex needs can sometimes be half the battle when it comes to choosing your new hearing aids. Looking for a device to suit your lifestyle is key to feeling comfortable and confident in your daily life, and here at Discretion Hearing, […]
- Sarah Jackson
How To Clean and Maintain Your Hearing Aids
Hearing aids may be tiny, but their impact is huge, so setting aside a little time each day to clean and maintain them is vital. Just a few minutes is all it takes to keep them working properly and ensure you can keep on being you. Packed with technology, hearing aids work hard to enhance […]
- Sarah Jackson
Why You Should Prioritise Your Hearing Health and The Importance of Regular Testing
Why You Should Prioritise Your Hearing Health and The Importance of Regular Testing? Hearing is one of our most vital senses, enabling us to connect with others and experience the world around us. Unfortunately, many of us take our hearing for granted—until it begins to fade. Hearing loss can be gradual and often goes unnoticed, […]
- Sarah Jackson
Soft Swabs Hard Lessons A Cautionary Tale of Cotton and Ear Care
Soft Swabs Hard Lessons A Cautionary Tale of Cotton and Ear Care. Ever wondered if your ear-cleaning routine is doing you more harm than good? Cotton Earbuds have been used as the go-to cleaning tool for ears ever since its invention in 1923. The medical concerns over their use emerged as early as 1972. With […]
- Sarah Jackson
Custom Ear-moulds: Why and When You Might Need Them
Here at Discretion Hearing, we’ve recently noticed an increase in requests for custom ear moulds, but you might be wondering, what are they actually used for? Ear moulds can be essential accessories for a range of activities and health needs, and offer a variety of benefits, from enhancing hearing aid performance to protecting your ears […]
- Sarah Jackson
The Role of an Audiologist: What We Do and Why It Matters
The Role of an Audiologist: What We Do and Why It Matters? Audiologists play a crucial role in healthcare, and if you’re reading this, you might be wondering, what makes them so important? Our hearing is a valuable sense, one that allows us to maintain relationships and connections with friends and family, fully participating in […]
- Sarah Jackson
Top tips for hearing health in summer: What are the challenges?
As we head into warmer months, temperatures rise and days get longer. Summer brings a host of outdoor activities, holidays and social events with it. But just as you would stop and put on sun cream. There’s something else that needs to be looked after too- your ears! Amidst the excitement of enjoying the great […]
- Sarah Jackson
Why do so many people delay in getting help for hearing loss?
Why do so many people delay in getting help for hearing loss? Despite the clear benefits of seeing an audiologist when you realise your hearing isn’t what it used to be, many people resist taking the next step. Whether you need advice, treatment or a hearing test, avoidance is common. But why is this? Let’s […]
- Sarah Jackson
Overcoming the stigma and fear about hearing loss
As we age a lot of things change, unfortunately, not a lot of them for the better. The skin becomes thinner, loses fat and doesn’t look as smooth as it did in our youth. Our hair gets grey and thin, while facial hair on women gets coarser, and men’s ear, nose and eyebrow hair gets […]