Microsuction Ear Wax Removal

Ear wax removal is an often overlooked aspect of maintaining good ear health.

Excessive ear wax buildup can cause various health issues, including hearing loss, ear infections, and tinnitus.

Those over a certain age will remember the old method of ‘syringing’ carried out at a doctor’s surgery. These days, ear wax removal has been reclassified by the NHS from ‘essential’ to ‘specialised’, meaning that GPs no longer offer this service. Those suffering from a buildup of earwax may be offered help through audiology services if symptoms are severe. However, it’s best not to wait until potentially debilitating symptoms occur before you seek help.

Your GP may recommend trying ear drops to soften earwax in the hope that it will come out more easily, and these can be effective in some cases. However, DIY solutions at home can cause damage to the ear canal. It’s always best to seek the advice of a trained audiologist if you are experiencing hearing loss, or other symptoms that may indicate excessive ear wax buildup. 

Gone are the days of using olive oil for weeks before attending the GP surgery for ‘syringing’, which involves flushing out the ears with water. These days the process is much easier, safer, and more comfortable. The latest micro-suction techniques remove ear wax gently and efficiently, without causing any discomfort or damage to your ears.

The Benefits

Here are some of the benefits of choosing micro suction ear wax removal:

Safe and gentle – The micro suction ear wax removal process is entirely safe and gentle. The audiologist will inspect your ears with a video otoscope and explain what they can see, and even allow you to see it for yourself. They will then decide if micro suction will benefit you.

Pain-free – The use of specialised tools and techniques to remove the wax ensures that you do not experience any pain or discomfort during the process. The thorough examination of your ear canal prior to the procedure helps ensure micro suction is required and that there’s no other underlying cause of your symptoms.

Improved hearing – Removing excess ear wax buildup can significantly improve your hearing, allowing you to hear more clearly and communicate better.

Prevents infections – Ear wax buildup can cause infections, which can be painful and require medical treatment. Microsuction ear wax removal can help prevent such infections by keeping your ears clean and healthy.

Convenient – As well as being safe, gentle and pain-free, micro suction earwax removal is also quicker and cleaner than irrigation removal methods. The procedure is often able to be carried out in your own home.

If you feel you may benefit from micro suction earwax removal, get in touch with us to discuss.